How much money will you save by switching to LockNLube?

Feel free to change the numbers below to see how that changes your potential savings. Any questions? Give us a call at 603-795-2298 or email us at

1. How many hours are spent greasing each year? (Hrs)

2. What is the hourly rate for the person greasing your equipment? ($)

3. What is the average cost per grease tube? ($)

4. What percent of time greasing is actually time trying to hold the coupler in place, fighting to get it off, or dealing with leaks? (%)

The LockNLube Grease Coupler eliminates all these problems. Locks on, doesn't leak, easy removal with the thumb lever.

5. Life Of A Standard Grease Coupler (# of Grease Tubes)

6. Enter how many tubes of grease you purchase in a year.
